Big Ben's Motorcycle Accident Podcast Show

Listen to our serious discussion of Ben Roethlisberger's motorcycle accident during the off-season. Superbowl quarterback and fellow Miami University Alumni Football player, Big Ben is the main topic of this show. Hear the comments from Rise, Aurora, Sunnyside, Freespirit and the Beetle take this topic on!
Podcast Show #6 - Big Ben's Motorcycle Accident
By now, you have seen all the news reports indicating that Superbowl Steeler Quarterback and former Miami University quarterback sustain multiple face, head and body injuries in a motorcylce accident. After 7 hours of surgery (upper jaw, teeth and face) from 4 different surgeons, Ben responded well and it appears that he will be leaving the hospital within 4 - 5 days.
His condition has been upgraded to also include that he will be ready for the Steelers upcoming season! Wow, that's alot to accomplish within a short period of time, but if there is anyone who can do it, it is Big Ben!!
All of our prayers and blessings go to Big Ben, his mother and family!
Next time Ben -- wear a helmet or don't ride a motorcycle again. You can't predict how the other driver will drive!
Let us know how you feel. Our viewers pole is: Should NFL players be allowed to ride motorcycles at all -- whether during the season or off-season? Yes or No. -- Send your answers to this blog or go to my website:
and send me an email.
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